About Us
Chief Scientist Office is a technical due diligence and robotics research team for SoftBank Corp. As a technical due diligence team, we investigate and review various existing and state-of-the art technologies in areas of application, intellectual properties, and P/L. As a robotics research team, we are developing a standard service robot platform with a flexible software framework and reconfigurable modular hardware.

Meet The Team

Takaaki Numai
SoftBank Corp. Chief Scientist Office
Technical Meister ( Team leader, Hardware Design )

Joshua Supratman
SoftBank Corp. Chief Scientist Office
Software Engineer ( Motion Planning etc. )

Yushi Kaida
SoftBank Corp. Chief Scientist Office
Hardware Engineer ( Hardware, Image Recognition )

Shibata Koshi
SoftBank Corp. Chief Scientist Office
Hardware Engineer ( Hardware Design )

Tatsuro Sakaguchi
SoftBank Corp. Chief Scientist Office
Software Engineer ( Image Recognition etc. )

Airi Yokochi
SoftBank Corp. Chief Scientist Office
Hardware Engineer ( Sensing, Electonics )

Gakuto Okamoto
SoftBank Corp. Chief Scientist Office
Software Engineer ( Navigation, Behavior )